What are the maintenance measures for common cone crusher failures?

(1) Check the clearance between the spindle and the taper sleeve. If the gap is too small, adjust the lower part of the thrust plate by adding a gasket between the spherical bearing seat and the contact surface of the bed to raise the crushing cone to ensure that the gear gap is within the specified range and meets the technical requirements.

(2) The wear caused by the radial and supporting surfaces of the spherical tile seat can be surfacing. After the radial and supporting surface wear of the bed is surfacing, a set of self-made processing tools can be processed on-site to restore the bed to the design requirements.

(3) When the lubricating oil pressure is too high, the safety valve should be adjusted or replaced, and the pressure should be adjusted within the specified range.

(4) Grind and scrape the spherical bearing so that the contact between the spherical bearing and the spindle drive body meets the specifications.

(5) When the oil level is insufficient, check whether the oil level and oiling amount in the fuel tank are normal, and whether there is any oil leakage from various parts. Lubricating oil must be replaced regularly. When changing oil, the oil tank, pipelines and filters should be cleaned.

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