48tph bituminous coal grinding line in China

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48tph bituminous coal grinding line in China

Equipment: LM2200M Vertical Mill

Place of use: Gansu, China

Processed material: bituminous coal

Input size: <30mm Output size: 200 mesh, D90

Capacity : 45-48T/H

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The customer has worked in the milling industry for many years, so he has rich experience in selecting grinding machine. Due to the unsatisfactory effect of the previous grinding machine, Fighter improved the separator for it, and then recommended LM Vertical Mill. After that, the whole capacity has been greatly increased, and it nearly reaches 50 tons per hour.

Application: boiler pulverized coal


Learn More About Liming® LM Vertical Mill

1. Low Investment Cost.

2. Low Operation Cost.

3. High Drying Ability.

4. Simple and reliable operation.

5. The stability of product quality.

6. Maintenance convenience.

7. Environmental protection.


Applications: Cement, coal, power plant desulfurization, metallurgy, chemical industry, non-metallic mineral, construction material, ceramics.



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